The Boab Tree and a New Boab Coffee Blend

The Boab Tree and a New Boab Coffee Blend

Posted by Simone, The Coffee Girl on 15th Dec 2021

Authentic coffee lovers are those who are enthusiastic about the rich flavour and uniqueness of various coffee beans. Coffee isn’t merely a source of caffeine for you. Having a cup of coffee is a wholesome experience that is the be relished. We are excited to share the experience of Boab coffee with our community. We have spent years experimenting with Western Australian Boab nuts and we are eager to share more about our new product with you. We hope you enjoy discovering this new, unique organic coffee blend.


The first boab tree was discovered in Australia back in the early nineteenth century, by an explorer named Phillip Parker King. Over the years, boab tree became a symbol for Kimberley area of North Western Australia, where it is found in abundance.

The boab (Adansonia gregorii) is a native to Western Australia, but is related to the broader group of species called boababs that live in Madagascar and Africa. Boabs are also called bottle trees, the tree of life, boababs and Australian boababs

There are nine different varieties of Boabs in the world, most of them are found in Madagascar while the rest are found on mainland Africa and the western edge of the middle east.

Australia has only one, the Adansonia gregorii. Scientists are not completely sure, but the majority of them believe that people moving out of Africa carried the tree's seeds as a valuable food source, therefore introduced the boab to Australia. The alternative theory is that the Boab nuts arrived on ocean currents from Africa.


The indigenous community of Australia has been making use of Boab trees for thousands of years. They utilized the tree to provide them with food, fibre and shelter. The Boab tree also served as a paramount resource for medicines. We are thrilled that members of nearby indigenous communities have been actively involved with us in the process of developing boab coffee and have collaborated immensely in our journey.


Boab nut and powder is nutritionally dense in several minerals and vitamins that are important for our health and wellbeing. Coffee made using the Boab nut provides a great source of antioxidants and helps prevent premature aging. Boab coffee also increases satiety and suppresses appetite. This works perfectly for someone who is trying to lose weight, as it curbs sugar cravings.

Boab coffee also helps in balancing the blood sugar levels. Boab nut has high fibre content that keeps your gut motility in check and is beneficial for your digestive system.


We have blended the roasted, nutrient rich ground nut from the boab tree with our high-quality Fairtrade certified organic coffee. After much experimentation, we created an amazing boab nut infused coffee that is completely unique. For the best taste and experience we would strongly recommend you to brew it with your fresh organic coffee as normal.

We hope this article has helped you understand and learn more about Boab nut and it’s benefits, as well as how to enjoy it. It is not only rich in taste and texture but is also very bountiful in terms of nutrition. We believe the Kimberley Boab Coffee is a fantastic new addition to our offering for coffee lovers as there are so many different variations that can be tried using this nutty coffee flavour.